The three Hubert Curien Partnerships (PHC) in the Maghreb (Franco-Algerian PHC "Tassili", Franco-Tunisian PHC "Utique" and PHC Franco-Moroccan "Toubkal") promote multilateral cooperation through the PHC Maghreb by jointly financing regional projects involving the 3 countries of the Maghreb and France.
These projects are financed for a period of 3 years. Several teams from the same country can be associated with the project.
For the 2018 call for applications of the Algerian-French cooperation program PHC Maghreb, a priority theme has been defined:
The Mediterranean area in the face of climate issues
The invitations to applications, as well as the forms to be filled in are available and downloadable on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (
Completed applications (paper and digital) that meet the eligibility criteria and the regulatory eligibility criteria must reach the Doctoral Education Directorate no later than April 20, 2017 (deadline) at the level of the vice-rectorate of the university's external relations.
You will find here the call for application and the good practice guide and the form to fill out.